THE START OF AN EDUCATIONAL MINI-SERIES. We're starting off with a four-part educational mini-series.

06 Feb 2023, 10:53
THE START OF AN EDUCATIONAL MINI-SERIES 📖 We're starting off with a four-part educational mini-series! Touching on the bare basics. In part one we are discussing DIDs: Decentralized Identifiers 👀 1️⃣ What is an identifier? 2️⃣ What are they used for? 3️⃣ What is a decentralized identifier? 4️⃣ Why do we need decentralized identifiers? Read here 👇 Part 2-4 will tackle topics; on-chain identity, need for .sol domains and how to build an on-chain reputation. Hopefully we can all learn something together! Let me know how you like these 🙂